I love taking road trips. Ever since my trip around Isle of Skye in the winter of 2014, that is all I ever want to do - get into a car and just drive. I have driven around Cornwall, dodging bad weather during a very hopeful hot summer. The ability to avoid the rain in various parts of Devon and Cornwall excited me. This trip is of course also where I found out that I was pregnant with my first child - best memories ever! The next road trip was Morocco in 2016 but it is such a big country that we were not able to cover the whole lot. Iceland in 2016 was also a road trip and much smaller. We covered a lot of ground and toured the entire country so after looking at the EU map, Portugal seemed ideal for a family holiday and road trip. Portugal is small. You can drive down the coast and enjoy the beaches within 3 weeks, and that is exactly what we did.
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It was spring time. It was cloudy. It was drizzling. But I did not care. It was the first time that I was taking my mother and my child to Paris. Three generations travelling together for the first time.
I came across Pawel Kadysz's artistic photography work when I was going through a creative block. I have been on Instagram since 2013 and I like to think of myself as a connoisseur to photography series and projects as I have seen so many of them. However, I have never done a project myself so I took to the internet for some inspiration. I found Pawel Kadysz's Darth Vader series on www.tookapic.com. This app and website are for photographer who like to challenge themselves daily. It is different from Instagram in that this app is like old Instagram which used to be about photography and creativity.
Today's feature is Tanya Mushayi, a designer from Zimbabwe. I came across Tanya when she followed me on Instagram. I had a look at her feed and was impressed at how this young lady was showcasing her African label, with its vibrant colours and hip hop style. Her photo shoots also highlight a cool side of Africa whilst still embracing typical Africa. I've asked Tanya to tell us about herself below.